Nusa Penida
Nusa Penida has actually been known for quite a long time. However, Nusa Penida began to become very hectic in the middle of 2018. The Nusa Island area which consists of 3 small islands provides stunning scenery. Not only the view of the island. The beauty of the underwater world on Nusa Island is already famous throughout the world. Making Nusa Penida tour package or a fast boat to Nusa Penida extremely increase.
In addition to the short transfer time (compared to Gili Island), the Bali route to Nusa Penida also provides many fast boat options that can be obtained at cheap and easy prices. Can be through a travel agent such as gilitransfers or buy directly on the port (the price can be more expensive when buying directly because the price can change at any time, as well as the availability of tickets).
Vacation in Nusa Penida
Next question? Is vacationing in Nusa Penida as easy as vacationing on Gili Island? The answer is No. On Gili Island, you can reach hotels, beaches or snorkeling places easily because the distance is quite close. Or it can be reached only by Cidomo or bicycle at a price that is not too expensive. On Nusa Island, especially Nusa Penida, the distance of each tourist destination is quite far, up to 1-hour drive by car with the road going up and down and cornering. It is quite dangerous if you are not reliable in driving or riding a motorcycle.
Therefore, a vacation to Nusa Penida is better to use a tour package or arrange by self? The answer depends on your time and ability to drive. If you are able enough to drive on a difficult road (rocky, bumpy, up and down with a ravine at the edge), then available for many motorbike rentals in the harbor when you get off the boat.
However, if you are on vacation in Nusa Penida with family members, then using a tour package is the right choice. All your transportation needs will be provided including with your driver and guide. However, many tour packages only provide daily packages. Because this package is provided by the fast boat operator that includes return tickets from Bali to Nusa Penida.
Note: if you stay at Nusa Penida for several days, you can ask for hotel assistance to provide your transportation during Nusa Penida to avoid the scams.